It’s officially spring. The season is turning and you’re checking your weather apps more frequently, counting down the degrees to that first weekend round you’ve been craving for months. Let's get you ready for an injury-free, successful season.
But before you think about getting back into the groove and playing regularly, you might need to consider taking a step back.
The 30,000-Foot View
Some golfers spend a lot of time indoors during the winter, and haven’t been quite as active as you need to be – especially if you’re going to start playing golf more often.
If that sounds like you, consider making a plan for the upcoming golf season, and part of that is training your body to help your golf game.
It’s about that time, so let’s get moving.
Make a Plan to Train Your Body for Golf
A big part of getting ready for the upcoming golf season is to understand exactly what type of training is required -- and on top of that, the necessary components that come with your new routine. If you’re working out, great! But are you eating better? Are you sleeping enough? Are you rested and recovered for the next day, whether it’s a day in the gym or a day on the golf course?
An underrated benefit of having a workout routine and watching your nutrition is the impact on your mental game. Golf, as we know, is as mentally challenging as it is physically, so having a sharp mind is going to help. With a balanced routine (everything in moderation, of course), proper rest and better habits, your brain will be in top shape.
Document your goals, list out the steps you plan to take to reach those goals, and hold yourself accountable to execute.
Each month, take a look back and track your progress; if you’re on pace, think of another goal or two that you can add to the mix. If you’re behind or not hitting the goals you initially set, go back to the initial list and map out a new/revised plan to get back on track.
Shake off the Rust and Work Out with a Purpose
There are a couple of areas to focus on in your preseason or springtime golf training. First, though, it’s important just to get back into the swing of a regular workout routine before committing to specific types of exercises.
A common mistake many golfers make is thinking they can simply pick up right where they left off in 2021. Unless you’ve been to warmer climates in the winter and playing regularly, there will be quite a bit of rust on not only your swing, but your body.
On the golf course, you need lower body strength and lower body stability.
It's one thing to be able to squat or lunge with a lot of weight. But to be able to connect with the ground and create a stable yet mobile base is a different ballgame.
Make sure you’re ahead of the curve. Check out this blog on preseason workouts for videos and exercises that will get your lower body activated and help you build stability.
Cheers to a great 2022 golf season