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Golf Fitness Training Blog

Stiff Hips, Stiff Swing: Demystifying Hip Rotation in the Golf Swing with Experts Joey D and Kevin Kirk

Team Hit IT Great Feb 6, 2024 6:04:08 PM

Note: Kevin Kirk is a distinguished golf swing coach, recognized for his innovative approach and expertise in biomechanics. Named the 2019 PGA Teacher of the Year, Kevin has coached both PGA and LPGA players, including Masters winner Patrick Reed and Lexi Thompson. For more info, follow Kevin on Instagram.

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Keeping It Together: How to Avoid an 'Unhinged' Golf Swing

Team Hit IT Great Nov 3, 2023 1:41:00 PM

Golf Fitness Essential: How To Improve Shoulder Strength For Your Golf Swing

If you struggle with inconsistent ball striking, the role your shoulders play in your golf swing is worth considering. Unless you've incorporated golf-specific fitness exercises to improve shoulder strength and function in your swing, they're likely not contributing to consistency as much as they could. Let's get into it.

The Flaw: Lack of Shoulder Strength

Most golfers are familiar with the term "chicken wing." It's a common flaw in the golf swing that can have a significant impact on a golfer's performance - and a perfect example of improper shoulder strength and mobility in the golf swing. If the shoulder is not doing its part properly, it can lead to a variety of problems, including reduced power, poor control, and inconsistent ball striking.

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Golf Fitness Training: Both Sides Matter

Team Hit IT Great Oct 6, 2023 3:40:00 PM

Balancing Your Body: A Key to Successful Golf Fitness Training

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Dustin Johnson’s Rotation Exercises: Boost Your Golf Swing Speed and Distance

Team Hit IT Great Aug 9, 2023 9:30:00 AM


In the intricate dance that is a consistent and powerful golf swing, rotation plays a pivotal role. It's the engine that drives power, accuracy and consistency. In last month's installment of The Big 3 for our online golf fitness app, Coach Joey D delved deep into the essence of rotation and introduced three transformative golf exercises he uses with Dustin Johnson to supercharge this crucial aspect of your swing.

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Open The Gate: Unlock Your Hip Mobility for a more Powerful Golf Swing

Team Hit IT Great Jul 12, 2023 4:05:00 PM


Imagine standing on the inside edge of a sand trap, your ball nestled like a pearl in an oyster. You've read about how to execute this shot a hundred times. You know the theory, the technique, the exact angle your club needs to enter the sand. But as you swing, your body doesn't quite cooperate and the ball stubbornly remains in its sandy bed.

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The T-Spine Advantage: Transform Your Game with Better Thoracic Mobility

Team Hit IT Great Jul 3, 2023 10:49:00 AM


Ever wonder why some people can hit a golf ball really far, even though they don't look very strong or flexible? Or why sometimes your golf swing feels more like a wrestling match than a smooth motion? The answer might not be right in front of your face, but in your back. Specifically, a part of your back called the thoracic spine.

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Boosting Golf Fitness: Upper/Lower Body Separation with Coach Joey D

Team Hit IT Great Jun 9, 2023 12:39:00 PM

Understanding Upper/Lower Body Separation in your Golf Swing: A Major Key to Power and Control

In the golf swing, the ability to achieve separation between the upper and lower body—often referred to simply as 'separation'—is a game-changer. This technique allows golfers to rotate their upper body independently from a stable lower body, generating more speed while maintaining control in their swing, leading to improved performance on the course.

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Tackling Golf Myths Vol. 3: Do Flys F*ck Your Flexibility?

Team Hit IT Great Jul 6, 2022 1:07:00 PM

Chest flys are a widely-implemented exercise that works your chest, shoulders, and triceps. But are they good for your golf swing?

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Tackling Golf Myths Vol. 2: Does the Bench Deliver Distance?

Team Hit IT Great Jun 15, 2022 12:53:00 PM

Pumping iron on the bench at the gym is one of those quintessential images when you think of working out. But is it good for your golf game?

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The Match 2022: Does Throwing a Football Relate to the Golf Swing?

Team Hit IT Great Jun 1, 2022 6:00:00 AM

Capital One has announced the return of ‘The Match,’ a series of exhibition match golf played by celebrity athletes for charity; proceeds of the tournament benefit Feeding America, the American Red Cross, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.

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